Reflections About 9/11

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

I just wanted to make a post in memory and honor of those that died in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The remembrance of that day always sobers me. Around 3,000 people died on that terrible day. I cannot imagine what the people in the airplanes and New York especially felt like. Let us take time today to remember those that died on that day.

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay
Image by YLH from Pixabay
Image by Michelle Stein from Pixabay

I especially want to remember those brave men and women that risked their lives to save people on that day. The sacrifice of our police, firemen, and emergency workers are something we to often take for granted. They are some of the most brave and courageous people and I think we need to honor and respect them. Some of my own cousins are firemen, and emergency workers and I highly respect them. These people are the heart of our country. Let us remember them and take time to tell them how much we appreciate what they do.

May God Bless them! And May God Bless America!

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