Hymn Reflection #19– Lead Kindly Light

  • Lead, kindly Light, amid thโ€™ encircling gloom,
    Lead Thou me on;
    The night is dark, and I am far from home,
    Lead Thou me on;
    Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
    The distant scene; one step enough for me.
  • I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou
    Shouldst lead me on;
    I loved to choose and see my path, but now
    Lead Thou me on;

    I loved the garish day, and spite of fears,
    Pride ruled my will; remember not past years.
  • So long Thy powโ€™r has blest me, sure it still
    Wilt lead me on,
    Oโ€™er moor and fen, oโ€™er crag and torrent, till
    The night is gone,

    And with the morn those angel faces smile,
    Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile.

Written by John H. Newman in 1833

This song was quite inspiring to me. I am not going to say much. I hope the pictures can help dipict what the song is trying to say and I hope you will let the words sink into your heart. We love to choose our own path but we now need to let Him Lead Us ON. Not our will but His. Keep my feet, Lord, I need to trust you so I don’t need to see ahead around the corner but trust that you know and will Lead me on. Pride ruled my will, so Lord please remember not past years. And over hill, and vale, rocky pathway or narrow, You will Lead me on. You will lead me to the Heavenly place you have prepared. And the angels will be ready to welcome me.

I pray that you feel God’s love and presence through this hymn. Just let Him have His way.

Lead Thou Me On!

Photos taken by James Staddon. To learn more about him and his photography please visit www.lenspiration.com.

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