Honoring Our Fathers

Our father’s arrows in their quiver.

I thought I would write a little post since it is Father’s Day. First of all, I thank God for being a Father to me. I don’t deserve His love and grace. But I am so grateful that He took my place and that I can be His child. He has given me a wonderful dad also that has been a very firm rock in our home. He carried on the godly heritage and passed it down to us. I am so grateful to have brought up in an old fashioned home where family worship, singing, prayer, heart principles and a love for others was established in our hearts from wee little children. My dad followed God’s call and took his family half way across the world to Mongolia where we lived for 12 years. Those were some of the best years of my life. Growing up on the mission field was the best training a child could get. We have gone through many tough times as a family but through it all my dad has been there for us. This doesn’t mean there haven’t been rough times. It doesn’t mean family life always went smoothly with no problems. But it does mean that God is faithful and we are still a family who loves God, traveling and mission work. Daddy, I love you and wouldn’t trade any one else’s dad in the world for you.

Another father who I greatly look up to is my Uncle Fain. His love for God and the way he has brought up his children is something I really admire. I usually always enjoyed the family time of worship we would have Saturday mornings when we ate breakfast with them. His way of thinking is very unique but very interesting. I love listening to him talk unless it is a very heated topic.:) Just kidding. He is one of my hero’s and I am grateful for his influence in my life.

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