Picture from Programs ~May


Mommy had this magnetic sign made for the van.



Piano duets.


They got to play at Penn View Bible Institute for chapel one morning.



Group songs.


Girls Trio.


Men’s ensemble with piano.




Sister Beverly from Mongolia has been here the past month. She came back for medical reasons.


Mommy told one place that it was Uncle Fain’s birthday so they surprised him with a cake and small gift which was a 50th Birthday Survival kit. Here are a couple of quotes that were read.

“One advantage of being 50 is that your secrets are safe with your friends, because they can’t remember them either.”

“At 50 you get the urge, but can’t remember what for.”

“50 isn’t the end of the world…but you can see it from there.”

50th Birthday Survival Kit

50 pennies….to start your retirement fund.

Rubber band…to give you back your flexibility.

Pudding…to get you used to soft foods.

Arthritis soak…for all those extra aches and pains.

Notepad…to write down thing before you forget.



Hopefully someday soon we will have a youtube link again for those of you who couldn’t see them in person. They did a fantastic job. They sure blessed my heart and I know that they wanted their music to glorify our Father in Heaven. Tonight is their last program for this spring. I am not able to be with them but I enjoyed letting you all get a glimpse into the past month of programs.

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